
Ango Hub features a built-in notification system. Notifications allow you to get informed about events related to your account.

Types of Notifications

TypeAction on Click

An export you requested is ready to download.

Download the export.

An issue has been opened in a project where you have been assigned as reviewer or manager.

Navigate to task where the issue was opened.

You have been invited to an organization.

Switch to the organization where you have been invited.

You have been assigned to a project.

Navigate to the project where you were assigned.

A batch model plugin has finished processing.

An export plugin has finished processing.

Download the export from the plugin.

Receiving Notifications

Whenever you receive a notification, if the Mute toggle is disabled, you will see a notification popup appear from the top-right hand side of the screen:

Clicking on the notification will mark it as read and will allow you to navigate to the task indicated by the notification, or to download a file, depending on the type of notification. The notification will automatically disappear after a few seconds, or you can dismiss it by clicking on the "X".

Accessing Past Notifications

You may mark all notifications as 'read' by clicking on 'Mark All as Read' in the top-right corner of the notification dialog.

Muting Notifications

Muted notifications will still appear in the notification dialog.

Filtering Notifications

You may filter notifications by type by opening the notification dialog and clicking on one of the filters:

Last updated