Review Queue

The review queue is the list of tasks that are distributed to reviewers, in order.

If your project's workflow has multiple review stages, each stage will have its own queue.

Using the Review Queue

From the dashboard, click on the Start Reviewing button on the top-right.

You will be shown the first review task that is available to you from one of the review queues. If your project has more than one review queue, the queue will be picked at random. Once you review it and click on Accept or Reject, you will be shown the next, and so on.

You may choose to review a certain task without following queue order by going to the Task tab and clicking on any task, or by clicking on a circle under the Labels column in the Assets tab.

Doing so does not invoke the review queue, and reviewing the asset will not move you forward one task. Essentially, you will only review that one particular task.

Properties of the Review Queue

  • The task at the top of the queue is the task that will be shown next to reviewers in the stage.

  • Each project has one review queue for each Review stage in your workflow. When reviewers open a task, they pick from the top of the queue the first task that is unassigned or assigned to them.

  • All tasks in a Review stage are automatically part of a labeling queue.

  • Tasks get added to the bottom of the queue as they are created. Thus, the queue is ordered by task creation time, first in first out.

  • Tasks that have been assigned to user X (for example, X is currently reviewing them) will be unavailable to Y. Y will be given the next task in the queue that is unassigned or assigned to them.

Whenever users press on the Start Reviewing button on the top-right corner of the dashboard, they are shown the first task in the review queue. When they complete reviewing and press on Accept/Reject, they pick another task from the top of the queue, and so on.

If the project has multiple review queues as a result of having more than one Review-type stage, clicking on Start Reviewing will choose one of the labeling queues at random.

If you wish to review in a particular queue, click on the downward-facing chevron next to the Start Reviewing button a pick a particular queue you'd like to work on.

Last updated