
If you have any Single Model plugins active in your project, tasks passed as input will be sent to be processed by the plugin. The processed task, if the plugin returned no errors, will be returned as output.

If you re-queue tasks to a Plugin stage, Hub will not automatically send them to be processed by the plugin. They will instead be shown as being in the Plugin stage unprocessed.

To have the tasks be processed by the plugin, from the Plugin stage's settings, click on the three dots and then on Re-Run. The plugin will be run on all tasks currently in the Plugin stage.


In the first dropdown, select the Model plugin to use in this stage. Tasks passed as input to this stage will be sent to the Model plugin you choose here.

In the Load Preset dropdown, you can select a plugin setting preset which has been saved earlier for the current project and selected plugin. See here for more information on setting and loading presets.

If you disable overwrite existing annotations, the plugin will not overwrite annotations existing on the asset – it will instead append to them.

In the dropdowns below, pair the plugin's classes with classes in your project. For example, if your plugin is a detector, detecting various types of objects, it may have classes such as car, traffic_light, etc. Here, you would match them with your project's own "Car" and "Traffic Light" classes.

You may additionally pass configuration as JSON in the text field.

Last updated